I knew that moving on to a boat would be a learning curve, but there were several little things that I never expected to change. Now I know better. I have compiled a quick list of 20 things, off the top of my head, that I now view differently, and I know there are plenty more not listed. I also know that Eben would have whole other list compiled pertaining to boat work, such as “Two is one, and one is none”.
Here’s my quick list of things that rocked my world, when you’re cruising:
– you realize that sometimes when it rains, it pours, inside as well, and that’s just normal
– every trip into town may mean you will be walking around half soaked from dinghy spray
– when a non-boating family member wants to buy you a gift your first thought is storage space
– you avoid bringing any cardboard aboard (roaches)
– your boat will have at least one pair of crocs and a Tervis cup aboard
– every job will take at least twice as long as it would on land
– opening the fridge means embarking in a Tetris mission
– getting water is part of your workout, the not fun part
– you will get excited about any drink containing ice
– you’ll become a pro at making oddly shaped beds
– baking will raise your entire home’s temperature by 5degrees
– you will closely inspect anything that could be a bug dropping to make sure our home is safe from pests that could sink your boat or drive you mad
– you’ll constantly be full of cuts and bruises
– you sometimes get calluses from flushing your toilet
– you prefer all your kitchenware to be stackable (space saver)
– sometimes you will find yourself dreaming about hot water showers, with endless amounts of water
-you spend most of your time wearing the least amount of clothes possible
-you’ll find the tricks to being able to wash your entire body with the least amount of water possible
– you get used to the fact that there is ALWAYS something to fix
– you know that sailing isn’t as romantic as it is portrayed to be, but you still love it
+1 : you have accepted that living on a boat has made you bi-polar with the love/hate relationship to your ship and the sea
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Awesome list! Agree with all of them 100%!
When Eben first read this post he thought it was depressing, "there's nothing positive about boating on there!" But I assured him these were the things that I didn't see coming. There were the other changes that I expected and hoped for, traveling, family life, new friends (that's you!) etc. he thought about that and then I got "it's cute".