Being that ours is a project boat it wasn’t until lately that we started thinking about the inside esthetics of it all. I have often found that boats feel like vessels rather than homes and it wasn’t until we met s/v Someday Soon that I realized how cozy feeling a boat could truly become with just a couple simple touches.

   Cushions were a main one for me. I love cushions and wanted every bed and settee in this boat to have plenty of them. When we finished making all the beds on the boat we sat down and ripped up all the excess memory foam and sowed ourselves some cushions and then I hopped online, Ebay and Amazon, and ordered covers for them all in varying colors and sizes. All of the foam for our mattresses, and cushions, we bought from Nagus Upholstery in Miami. They have amazing customer service there, good prices, and could vacuum seal the foam for us so that it was small enough to store on a friends boat until we reached Georgetown and could create some beds.

Vberth cushions

Settee cushions

Bedroom cushions and throw

   Next was a few coats of paint. Not just your regular boat/nautical colors. I went for a hint of teal in our bathrooms and sand tones for our ceiling headliner and accent wall. This color pop changed it up quite a bit. We also repainted some of the white walls to give them a fresher look. Since we were in Georgetown, where things don’t come cheap, when we purchased the paint we opted for an acrylic base outdoor weather tight paint to do our indoor walls knowing fully well that we will have to redo them with proper paint in a couple of years; but until then it’ll do the trick.

Some Teal and a patterned shower curtain

   The final touches were those of decorations. Sticking to somewhat nautical, we went with sea fans, conch shells, and sand dollars to decorate the bathroom counter corners. This made for a few fun days of walking along the beaches scouring for natural treasures. The girls loved this project. Arias also helped me paint a few mason jars to match the teal of the walls, which we then attached to the bathroom wall and use for toothbrush holders.

Back bathroom

Bathroom with some teal, wall hanging, and decorations

  Add a couple throw blankets and it’s almost complete. To fully complete the homey feel we want to someday install teak flooring (ours was torn out after the boat had sustained damage from being holed, before our ownership. It is currently just the bare fiberglass floor which we temporarily painted over). We are waiting to get to Guatemala for that project, where we heard that the labour and teak are cheap.
   For now, with these few things and very little cost incurred I feel much more at home in my boat. I would love to hear what personal touches you added to your boat to make it feel like home.
By |2021-03-23T09:47:15-04:00June 3rd, 2013|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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