Playing the “What If” game
As many of you know we are very much the "go with the flow" type when it comes to life planning. We have a [...]
As many of you know we are very much the "go with the flow" type when it comes to life planning. We have a [...]
It's not rare that we have to use the line "no entiendo", meaning "I don't understand". We are living in the DR. Spanish is [...]
How do you spend Canada Day when living in the DR? Well, even though our day was surrounded by beach and palm trees, and [...]
Most of the time the cheesy "tourist attractions" don't appeal to us, we are more seeking out the "off the beaten track". If any [...]
Pilling into a car and doing countless of hours of driving with two little ones isn't quite my idea of fun. But when the [...]
Semana Santa is not a little thing in the Dominican Republic. They take this four day holiday to a whole other level. For [...]
We travel a lot, by means that many don't use. Getting to see the off-beat paths because our boat goes where many tour buses won't. [...]
Ellia has definitely been our more "problematic" daughter of the two. She has been the only one to break (fracture) a bone and she [...]
Choosing this lifestyle equals a lot of goodbyes. But they are all temporary. There are the goodbyes that we made to family and friends [...]
During a Skype conversation with Charles, the Executive Director of Live Different a whirlwind trip for us was planned, where four days later we [...]