Sitting in the bay for the past four months has definitely given us time to think about what are future plans are looking like. I am not talking about long term, because we can’t seem to make a plan stick for anything past the 6 month mark. We have just been debating where to go from here. We had always thought that from the DR we would jump back down towards Jamaica and then over to whatever Central American country the winds blew us to, and then make our way to Guatemala. The desire to reach Guatemala was not a boating one, but rather that we had been considering settling down on land for a while and I had fallen in love with that country many years ago when I backpacked there. We thought, with the cost of living and the beauty of it all, we could move there and possibly start a small business to make ends meet. The idea of sailing is romantic, but with small children I find the idea of living on land, with space and friends for the girls and us, that seems rather romantic too, and helpful.
But once again our plans have shifted. While we have been here we have seriously been questioning what it is we want in life, what we want to do, what would make us happy, and where we envision ourselves enjoying settling down. It has not been an easy process. We have had many discussions, ideas tossed around, and even one argument over it all. There seems to be so many options its almost confusing. With the sale of our house approaching its closing we will have a little bit more cash in the bank, meaning we can take work off of the table for a little while longer. Which is nice because we really didn’t want our decisions to have to be based on that. No one likes thinking about work, let alone have it decide what your next steps are going to be.
After weeks of mulling around what we think we want to do, we have decided that Guatemala is no longer our immediate destination, but instead we will sail out of here in about a month and head down the Windward/Leeward Islands. Who knows how far we will go, or in how much time, that part is still up in the air, but for now we have a destination plan. We didn’t want to miss out on seeing these islands, since we are so close to them now. And the main thing that was keeping us away from them was the cost, they tend to be pricier. We think that with proper provisioning, and fighting our impulse to go eat out, we could make it work. Many people have suggested that there may even be an island or two that suit our bill of “desires” that we may fall in love with.
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