How angry can I really get when a goat wakes my children up from their nap. Nap time is that enchanting hour when all the morning ruckus settles and the room grows pleasantly silent. If anything noisy happens in the hour and a half to follow, anything that would wake my kids, I become one very angry mama bear. But a crying goat, seriously!? I can’t really be angry at that, it is just too ridiculously funny. This is what happens when you get local, authentic local.   To reach the beach from our current hotel takes about a five minute walk (carrying and walking with our slow children). Between the hotel and the beach is the quaint little village, we get to stroll through the daily activities of the locals, watch their comings and goings, and not only have it serve as sight seeing but also as an educational experience for the girls. From the local cues we are getting many an interesting conversation has begun. One day we discussed the technique to hand washing laundry, the next about wild ducks, and the following about why the village children ask us for “dollars” and “caramelo”. These short walks have given us the opportunity to teach them such things as the importance of caring for yourself and your stuff and the importance of “responsible travel”. Without realizing it the girls are soaking up all sorts of worldly knowledge that will surely help them in their futures.

That goat taught me that maybe I need to relax a little and just laugh at what life throws at me!

We have been going to eat at the local restaurants about once a day. When the locals see us eating like they do they immediately start to smile, or stare!


Ellia loves her rice, beans, and chapatti!
Our new little buddy Joel.


An instant connection was made with this little guy and I think he has taken to us too.